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Welcome to SCENTEREDCA...

Lavender Grown in the Exact Center of California

Hello and Welcome!

I am Elizabeth  - one of the Owners and Co-Founders of


Living in North Fork, I wanted to be able to live independently and follow my passion.

Lavender helps me do both -

make a living and

create bath and body products.


Based in the "Exact Center" of California, ScenteredCA was born in 2018 from the desire to create a reality from a dream for our oldest daughter, Elizabeth.  What began as just a vision has not only brought back life to our beautiful mountain environment, but has also withstood the challenging elements that such beauty has brought with it.  Most importantly, it has been an expression of all that Elizabeth is and is becoming.

Thank you for supporting such an important project.

The Lopez Family

Here's what we've been working on


Willow always watching

Follow​ our progress...

"Elizabeth's passion for her independence reminds me of the lavender she is growing ~ strong, colorful and inspirational" 

Wendy B.

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